Welcome to Colorado Cadastral Surveyors
Colorado Cadastral Surveyors (CoCadS) is an employee owned Limited Liability Corporation dedicated to providing Cadastral and other surveys to Government Agencies in the Rocky Mountain Region. Our Company is uniquely qualified to serve Government Agencies by its personnel, equipment and expertise in Cadastral PLSS and non-PLSS Surveys. The LLC members have gained a thorough knowledge of State and Federal Law through many years of study and practice.
The 10 member owners of the CoCadS have over 400 years combined experience in Land Surveying and Drafting. Within the group are 10 Land Surveyors licensed in CO, WY, NM, AZ, UT & CA, 3 CFedS (1 honorary), 5 present and past County Surveyors and Surveyors that have literally written the book on Cadastral PLSS and non-PLSS Surveying.
"The Keys to successful Retracement Cadastral Surveys are Thorough Research and Corner Search, Accurate Measurements and the
Knowledge to Correctly Apply all the Data."